Photos of dental work performed by Dr. Heisman in our office.

May 2024

25 year old male patient with discolored and protrusive central incisors. Porcelain(ceramic) crowns placed on both teeth.

Same case, before and after.

Old porcelain fused to metal crown; 55 year old male patient
New full ceramic crown with minor recontouring of adjacent central incisor, April 2014.
59 year old female patient with worn and fractured front teeth.
Full ceramic crowns on the four front teeth, July 2014.
61 year old female patient with spaces due to drifting of periodontally involved teeth.
Full ceramic crowns splinted together on the four front teeth, August 2014.

65 year old male patient with severely worn and broken down teeth. Full ceramic crowns on four teeth (cental incisor, lateral incisor, canine and first premolar). September 2018

30 year old female patient after orthodontic treatment. Crowned both lateral incisors with full porcelain (ceramic) crowns to correct rotation and space on patient's right side and improve contour of "peg lateral" on patient's left side. July 2018.


59 year old female patient who just completed orthodontic treatment. Unhappy with the appearance of "peg" lateral incisors.

Full porcelain crowns on the two lateral incisors to close the spaces and even the lengths of the incisors. November 2018

55 year old female patient with protrusive central incisors and large midline diastema (space). Three unit porcelainbridge placed to reduce overbite, improve smile and close space.


October 2020

Removed worn, chipped, bulky discolored crowns from central incisors; new porcelain crowns on four front teeth.


October 2021

Before and after smile, same case.

Full facial smile before and after.

Before and after, porcelain crowns on four front teeth, July 2022

Same case, full smile, before and after four porcelain crowns July 2022